Thanks to all who stopped by. The sale was a success; Stuff was successfully sold, including my revolutionary “Art on a Stick.”

Thanks, Kris, Sue, Benjamin, Matt, Jay & Devon, Carol, Aiden, Chloe, Gabriel, Mike… and the rest of youse.

The Garage Art Garage Features multiple personalities Artists: sold items are marked in the gallery below, as much as possible.

Many items still for sale, so drop me a line if you want a viewing.

Seb’s Paintings & Prints! Transgressive &/or Decorative

Unique prototype/reuse FURNATURE by TROLHAUS. (Literally the Troll that does my yard work)

Unique Sculptures by Nitro von Borax!

ARRRRtifacts of Sugarbeard the Pirate.

Also: SEE Pirate Cove, the Troll’s Cave, The Garden of Entropy & Anarchy, The Milking Parlor. Croquet & Badminton available on request

This JumpScare Garage Art Event was sponsored, in part, by my Spine, & Here’s a link to my back

Feel free to run it past your team of specialists & LMK/ MY BACK IS JACKED

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